Advertise With Us


Advertise in STCU Best of Broadway playbills to promote your business and deliver your message within the positive and memorable setting of high-quality live entertainment.

Exposure to our active, engaged, and diverse audience gives you the opportunity to increase your organization’s visibility among one of the city’s most influential and highly sought-after audiences.

All patrons receive a complimentary program before each performance begins, which are often kept as souvenirs and shared with friends.


Based on season-ticket purchases to date and forecasted single-ticket sales, playbill distribution for productions in the upcoming season will vary from 5,000 to 80,000. Distribution for the typical production is approximately 15,000.

Detailed information about distribution for each production will be available in fall.


  • Typical age range: 25-64 
  • College educated 
  • Ticket buyer is typically female and attends with a companion
  • Residents of Eastern Washington (concentrated within a 5-mile radius of downtown Spokane) and visitors from across Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Western Canada


Pricing is by size for Premium Full-Page (back page), Full-Page, Half-Page, and Quarter-Page advertisements. Color and black-and-white ads are the same rate. Discounts are available for advance commitments to advertise in multiple programs.

Download current playbill calendar, distribution, pricing, and ad specs.

Information and Ad Reservations

Download current playbill calendar, distribution, pricing, and ad specs.

For additional information, pricing, and playbill samples, contact WestCoast Entertainment today!

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